GlobalFingerprints Site Coordinator

  • Provides leadership and connection between program manager, division leadership, GlobalFingerprints lead team and ReachGlobal national office support staff
  • Provides accurate and timely accounting and reporting to GlobalFingerprints financial officer and division leadership
  • Provides oversite of GlobalFingerprints admin for their assigned site
  • Supports, encourages and assists program manager to build a strong site team for the development and execution of program
  • Ensures site implementation of GlobalFingerprints mission and vision      
  • Ensures all staff is trained in Global Fingerprints program standards and tools necessary to meet child needs
  • Helps site leadership team troubleshoot issues that arise relative to the ministry 
  • Ensures that there is spiritual training and care for the staff     
  • U.S. promotion of children that need sponsors on their site  

Special Requirements

  • Live in Malawi or travel to Malawi 2 times/year
  • Value a team (over working alone)      
  • Value the ministry objectives of the GlobalFingerprints team
  • Willing to give up 50% of own hands-on ministry to be a coach