Apex Crisis Response


During your six weeks at a Crisis Response site, you will have the opportunity to learn and serve alongside the missionaries there. Our desire is to invest in you while giving you a taste of what ministry looks like as you join our team. Our team looks at the gifts that God has given to you individually and how you can use them within ministry. As you partner with one of our full-time missionaries in a specific area of ministry, you will be a real help and encouragement to us. You will have the opportunity to work alongside our volunteer teams and help lead them as they serve in the community.

During your time on site, you will build relationships with the church partners, missionary staff, church members, homeowners, and short term volunteers. Crisis Response uses construction as an access point to helping people rebuild their homes and their lives in Christ after a crisis. Our motto is “People Over Projects” and you will play a huge part in that mission as we build relationships in the community. During your time with our team, a member of our team will be your mentor, meeting with you regularly and investing in your spiritual transformation.

Our prayer is that this trip will not only help you grow in your faith, but that it will also help you to serve in God’s kingdom wherever the Lord takes you. Come be a part of what God is doing in the mission field that follows a crisis!

Note: Due to the nature of responding to crisis, the sites for Summer 2025 are still being determined. 

Right now, Crisis Response is currently serving in:
Fort Myers, FL
Hazard, KY
Lake Charles, LA

Meet our missionaries

We have many staff at our sites that are all eager to work alongside you and, all have different areas of ministry focus and passions. Our team’s main focus is to share the love of Christ with those that are struggling after a crisis. You will have the opportunity to work alongside many of our staff on site and will be introduced to them once your site is determined. You will also get to know our Crisis Response Next Gen Leadership Team. This team will walk alongside you through your application process, raising support, serving on the field, and going back home. We are here to walk alongside you in this journey!

Crisis Response Next Gen Leadership Team:
Eloise - Site Administrative Coordinator and on site mentor in Fort Myers, FL.
Eric - Site Leader and on site mentor in Hazard, KY.
Jen - Director of Communications and remote mentor based in PA.
Paula - Crisis Response Associate and remote mentor based in NC.

How you’ll serve

• Working and leading volunteers on jobsites – We will teach you construction skills so that you can help our team lead volunteers working on homes in the areas impacted.
• Hosting teams – You will help us host volunteer teams that come to serve with us for the week. You’ll have the opportunity to help host meals, lead prayer and worship time, lead prayer walks, and more!
• Build relationships with homeowners – We encourage you to take the time to invest in building relationships in the community and with the homeowners we are serving. They can’t wait to meet you!
• Serve in other areas of ministry – There are many areas of ministry that you can use your gifts that God has given you! Cooking, admin tasks, planning outreach events, coordinating volunteers, and more! We can’t wait to help plug you into the area of ministry that God has specially equipped you for.


  • May 19-23 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 23-24 – Arrive at your site
  • July 5-7 – Return home


Our sites offer a variety of housing options that vary from staying with a church member’s family, a staff house, and other options. Once your site is determined, our team will go over housing options with you.