Apex Summer Leadership

Apex Summer Leadership is a collaboration of both Site Leaders and the Mission Leadership Team. Apex Summer Leadership will be the hands and feet of Apex at each site through the summer. You will be equipped and trained to be along-siders with the local ministry partner in hosting the groups that are coming to serve on mission.

The Site Leader Role

The Site Leader serves on site as the Apex leader and authority for their specific site. This person will oversee the implementation of the values, resources, training, and serving for everyone on their site. This role will have both oversite and pragmatic responsibilities. The balance of these two responsibilities will depend on the filling of the MLT role and/or skills and gifting of the Site Leader.
We see this role as a good fit for any college age student exploring or pursuing a ministry/missions degree of any kind. You will get experience in many different ministry aspects as you work with your ministry partner and groups from all around the country. You will most likely be able to use this role to fulfill your college internship requirements as well. The site leader will report to the Director of Youth Missions.

The Mission Leadership Team (MLT) Role

The MLT role offers you an opportunity to learn about life on mission and build leadership skills through intentional disciplemaking relationships with high school students (and others) encouraging them in Gospel influence and training in Gospel fluency. You will serve under the Director of Youth Missions and the Youth Missions Site Leader in implementing the values, resources, trainings, and serving ministry of Apex.
We see this role as a good fit for any college age student wanting to explore a potential call to ministry/missions, wanting to have a gospel impact with their summer, wanting to get ministry experience, and/or those who just have a passion to serve in missions.

Where You Can Serve

You will be given a choice to serve at any of the Youth Missions sites. There are both US and international options.


You will stay in the same facility as the youth groups. In most cases it's an air mattress in a church. Apex Summer Leadership will get gender specific rooms assigned separate from the youth groups for time off and privacy.


  • Pre-Field Training
  • Orientation (date/location TBD)
  • Mission Weeks June 14 - July 26
  • We would love for you to serve all summer, but we recognize that this is not always possible. We will work with you to coordinate a timeline of service that works with your summer schedule needs.
  • Debrief


$100 Application Fee (refundable only if not accepted) and Travel expenses to and from both orientation and the site you will be serving.

  • On-site lodging, meals, and approved transportation expenses will be provided or covered by Apex.
  • Support Raising options and training will be provided to those who want to offset their travel expenses and MLT stipend (if needed or wanted).


  • The Site Leader Role will be paid a $300 per week stipend for each week serving with a group.
  • The MLT Role will be allowed to raise support up to $300 per week as a stipend for each week serving with a group.

Learn More

Complete this INTEREST FORM and we will contact you soon.

Special Requirements

  • Registration, application, application fee, and interview process are required.
  • Some remote pre-field training will be required.
  • Orientation
  • Support raising is allowed for travel expenses and MLT stipend.