Medical, Allied Health and Special Education Professionals


An incredibly strategic door has opened for gospel workers to care for marginalized people and model the redemptive and adoptive power of the gospel to a large Asian country and people without the hope of Christ. As you serve alongside other ReachGlobal team members at a Christian-led international clinic in an East Asian city of 8 million, you have many opportunities to use your skillset to train and equip local colleagues in your professional field. A partner organization has regular outreaches to nursing homes and rural areas where ministry teams offer holistic care to the community. A day center for children with disabilities has also been started, providing opportunities to serve children who are at high risk of being abandoned into state-run care through the day center's special education and therapy/rehabilitation program. We will help you obtain your work visa.

Special Requirements

  • Raise your own support.
  • Willingness to work closely with local colleagues
  • Some skill/experience in allied health/special education field is encouraged, but not required
  • Willingness to learn the local language
  • Raise your own support